pumpehuset presents
Support: Lamp of Muurmur + Dödsrit + Efterfest: Søren Weiss

One of the most hyped North American metal acts is ready for Pumpehuset in October

Blackbraid, who overthrew Copenhell last year, are fronting a pitch-black evening in Pumpehuset, where Lamp of Murmuur and Dödsrit are special guests.

Blackbraid is a black metal solo project from the depths of the Adirondack wilderness, creating music as raw and powerful as the mountains from which it originates.

Blackbraid is inspired by the forces of nature around us, overwhelming feelings of anger and sadness and the spiritual depth of the project's creator, Sgah'gahsowáh; a native raised in the mountains of northeastern North America. His stage name was chosen to honor the Mohawk country, which inspires much of Blackbraid's music.

Blackbraid is a fiercely independent artist cruelly carving a new and inspiring path for indigenous and underground musicians alike.

Lamp of Murmuur and Dödsrit are special guests at Pumpehuset on 24 October.

24 Oct 2024
Doors open
Show start
Price incl. fee
245 DKK
Support: Lamp of Muurmur + Dödsrit
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Efterfest: Søren Weiss
Søren Weiss har i over 10 år nu været med til at forme og skabe et hav af store hard rock- og metaloplevelser for fans af genren herhjemme. CV'et skriver bl.a. blogger på Blastbeast, hyppig gæsteekspert i Sort Søndag, manager for bands som Iotunn, Lamentari, Thus og Saturnus og festivalpromoter for succesfulde arrangementer som Udgårdsfest og Epic Fest. Som tidligere fast metal-DJ til vores metalfester i Pumpehuset, har Søren været med til at skabe nogle af de vildeste aftenener. Vi behøver blot at nævne de legendariske fester til Total Carnage og de vilde afterparties til navne som Korpiklaani, Clutch og Battle Beast. Og det er blevet tid til endnu en af de helt store! Bliv hængende efter koncerten og snup en ekstra kold i selskab med DJ Power-Weiss!
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