Behind the name Late, is the childhood friends Ludomir Dietl, Caroline Franceska and Max Winding. LATE is a project that has been started on the basis of a lifelong friendship and a shared love of melancholy pop up through the 80s and 90s, with wires between RnB and ambient music.
Very special for the band, is that all three of them are children of members of the Danish 80's band Sneakers. This musical heritage, which they have taken into the project, and their common aspirations, goals and creativity is the center of the genesis of their sound.
Late is trying to move in a borderless popunivers, with lyrics referring to the three members' dreams, love and struggles in life.
Soon er en RnB-duo bestående af August Fogh og Andreas Wilson, der har lavet musik sammen siden sommeren 2016. Soon laver varm, ligefrem og fængende musik i krydsfeltet mellem R&B, soul og pop. Duoen har stadig deres første officielle udgivelse til gode, men duoen er alligevel at finde på Soundvenue’s liste over de 10 mest lovende danske navne i 2017. Soon var med på ANYA’s danmarksturné i efteråret, har spillet med navne som danske CHINAH og amerikanske Inc no world, og spillede desuden en showcase koncert på årets SPOT festival.
Soon’s første officielle udgivelse forventes at komme ud i efteråret 2017.