PUMPEHUSET og Live Nation Præsenterer
Primordial + Moonsorrow

Koncerten er udsat til den 22. april 2021. Billetkøbere får direkte besked fra Ticketmaster.

PRIMORDIAL og MOONSORROW tager atter på togt sammen på det tredje Heathen Crusade.

14 år efter det første Heathen Crusade og kun to år efter den sidste, invaderer PRIMORDIAL og MOONSORROW igen Europa. Denne intense invasion bringer dobbeltheadlinerne gennem 6 lande på blot 9 dage! Med som special guest er neo-folk one-man act’en ROME.

Moonsorrow guitarist Mitja Harvilahti udtaler:
"Hark ye heathens! The time has come for Heathen Crusade 3. We shall join forces with our brethren Primordial from the Republic of Ireland! We have toured together many times since 2006 and it's about time we bring this package to some new cities as well as familiar ones. The age of gods has come to the age of man and this will be the last tour before the next chapter in Moonsorrow.”

While Primordial sanger Alan Averill uddyber:
“With great pleasure we can announce a further chapter to the Heathen Crusade Legacy with our brothers from Moonsorrow. Some different cities and different countries we have never brought the Crusaders to! We will be playing a set of songs from the wilderness in our catalogue. Rarely heard 5nd obscure songs that rarely get performed. We also add the neo-folk musical cutural phenomenon of Rome to the bill as something unique and different. See you all again soon”
24. apr 2020
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250 Kr. + gebyr