PUMPEHUSET Præsenterer
Mikaela Davis (US) + Niklas Runge

Mikaela Davis (US) og Niklas Runge spiller i Byhaven den 4. juli - som sædvanligt er der fri entré.

Mikaela Davis
“This record is kind of about writing a record,” Mikaela Davis says. The 26-year-old is home in her native Rochester, New York, reflecting on Delivery, her highly anticipated full-length album, as well as the hard journey the classically trained, defiantly original harpist had to travel to become the writer, performer, and band leader she was meant to be.

“A lot of these songs came from feeling stuck and also like people were pulling me in a bunch of different directions,” Mikaela says. “I wanted to say, ‘Just wait for me. I’ll figure it out.’”

Mikaela’s plea for patience––a little bit sweet, a little bit angry and raw––fed a fierce 10-song collection. A joyride that pulls from folk rock, 70s and 80s pop experimentation, and muscly funk, Delivery manages to be both daring and comfortable, full of not just risks, but hooks.

Produced by Grammy winner John Congleton (St. Vincent, Angel Olsen, David Byrne, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah), Delivery is a triumphant next chapter. “John tries to find that moment instead of the perfect take,” Mikaela says. “That made it all sound really special.” Childhood friend Alex Coté (drums, percussion) and Shane McCarthy (bass) play on the record - already close from years of touring. Recently, Mikaela’s ensemble became a family affair with the addition of Shane’s older brother, Cian McCarthy on guitar.

Niklas Runge
Multi-instrumentalisten og sangskriveren Niklas Runge er manden bag én-mands-projektet. Det er luftig indie pop, hvor inderlighed, ærlighed og sårbarhed er de nøgleord, der beskriver sangenes tekster og kompositioner.

Med en silkeblød og dybfølt vokal tages lytteren med på tur ind i Niklas Runges drømmende og melankolske univers. Lyrikken er billedlig og personlig, og den understøttes af fængende og smukke melodier. Musikken giver ofte associationer til den klassiske musik, men har stadig faste rødder i den mere poppede rytmiske musik.

Som live-artist viser Runge sit værd, når han elegant fører lytteren ind i sit musikalske univers. Dette gøres på bedste vis, både når han optræder solo og med band
Mikaela Davis
“This record is kind of about writing a record,” Mikaela Davis says. The 26-year-old is home in her native Rochester, New York, reflecting on Delivery, her highly anticipated full-length album, as well as the hard journey the classically trained, defiantly original harpist had to travel to become the writer, performer, and band leader she was meant to be.

“A lot of these songs came from feeling stuck and also like people were pulling me in a bunch of different directions,” Mikaela says. “I wanted to say, ‘Just wait for me. I’ll figure it out.’”

Mikaela’s plea for patience––a little bit sweet, a little bit angry and raw––fed a fierce 10-song collection. A joyride that pulls from folk rock, 70s and 80s pop experimentation, and muscly funk, Delivery manages to be both daring and comfortable, full of not just risks, but hooks.

Produced by Grammy winner John Congleton (St. Vincent, Angel Olsen, David Byrne, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah), Delivery is a triumphant next chapter. “John tries to find that moment instead of the perfect take,” Mikaela says. “That made it all sound really special.” Childhood friend Alex Coté (drums, percussion) and Shane McCarthy (bass) play on the record - already close from years of touring. Recently, Mikaela’s ensemble became a family affair with the addition of Shane’s older brother, Cian McCarthy on guitar.

Niklas Runge
Multi-instrumentalisten og sangskriveren Niklas Runge er manden bag én-mands-projektet. Det er luftig indie pop, hvor inderlighed, ærlighed og sårbarhed er de nøgleord, der beskriver sangenes tekster og kompositioner.

Med en silkeblød og dybfølt vokal tages lytteren med på tur ind i Niklas Runges drømmende og melankolske univers. Lyrikken er billedlig og personlig, og den understøttes af fængende og smukke melodier. Musikken giver ofte associationer til den klassiske musik, men har stadig faste rødder i den mere poppede rytmiske musik.

Som live-artist viser Runge sit værd, når han elegant fører lytteren ind i sit musikalske univers. Dette gøres på bedste vis, både når han optræder solo og med band
4. jul 2019
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