PUMPEHUSET og Motorious Præsenterer
Magic Carpet Festival

From mid-day to midnight in the sunshine, Pumpehusets Byhave will turn into a giant party, gathering all of the attendees from this years Magic Carpet Festival!

We start early, high noon - 12 o'clock and onwards!

- Sunshine
- Live music by both upcoming and established bands
- Some of Copenhagens best DJ’s
- Uhm, so yeah, there’ll be beer…
- Food
- Sunshine
- Good Times
- Old Bikes
- Sunshine

Ride your oldest bike!

There is an awesome music programme lined up - and as always we will not reveal any names - but let it be a bangin' surprise.

Prizes and surprises!

In the spirit of Magic Carpet Festival we hope to see as many older bikes as possible, and there will of course be prizes for best bikes and riders from the farthest away.

As usual, the rule is simple:
1. Have fun
20. aug 2016
dørene åbner
Showet starter
Fri entré