Tyske KADAVAR har netop spenderet de seneste 4 måneder i studiet, hvor de har arbejdet non-stop, på deres nye album. Det tredje KADAVAR album får titlen "Berlin" og udkommer den 21. august.
Trommeslager Tiger udtaler: „About ten years ago, when we - independently of one another - moved to Berlin, we just wanted to break free from home and do something new. I thought it was comfortable, to blend in and just live from day to day. A lot of very long nights and so many completely different people at one place. Where there are opposites you can always ground yourself. We’re all different, come from different places but have managed to create something together we all like. I think the Belrin lifestyle has influenced our band very much and therefore fits perfectly as the album’s title.“
Bandet har for nyligt udgivet videoen til "Eye Of The Storm": http://nblast.de/KadavarEOTSVideo