Oblast is an offspring of the versatile electronic scene of Berlin, and offers its own vision, taking it to a slower and darker level.
Music and design activists for years, Oblast has a simple idea in mind : build something powerful, deep and strong.
First tracks were produced in Ostkreuz area, and the EP series "ACT" (Add Cat Records) lays the foundation stone of our sound : a music that talks to feet, eyes and soul. Oblast is an experimental journey for senses, it's not just about dancing, it's about feelings ; the primary techno feelings of letting go and the urge to get lost.
Oblast has devised a special artistic concept that transforms their sound into a 360-degree experience. You can hear, feel, see and touch their music. Even holding their EPs, looking at the cover, and taking in the image is an exciting experience in itself. Music dominates Oblast’s multidimensional artistic world. To them, it’s not just a source of inspiration, but also a way to communicate with the crowd.They’ve also been performing live around Europe, giving people across the continent the chance to discover and enjoy their new sounds and sensations.
Many of Oblast’s live performances are true multisensory experiences, as they are complemented with powerful visuals. The distorted logic and dark aesthetics of the music come to life in the form of rich black-and-white pictures, videos and graphics. We all like the light of the day, but the most mysterious and fascinating things happen in the quiet of the night. You need to go deep into the dark to uncover the things of true beauty that the night harbors. This is what Oblast is all about. It’s the promise of a journey – one your ears and eyes will savor
Kamelkollektivet are humble men. Bearing distinctive fat tracks on their backs.
There are two species: David & Love, both species are domesticated to provide party & dance, and to contribute with their creative souls. A fully grown adult camel stands 1.75 m (5 ft 7 in) to 1.83 m (6 ft ) tall and can dj up to 7 hours/day. Camels can run up to 125 Bpm in short bursts and sustain funky speeds around 120 Bpm.
Fossile evidence indicates that the ancestors of modern kamels evolved from a certain groove during a late night gathering, and later spread to many parties around europe. Humans first domesticated Kamelkollektivet in the year of 2008 in the city of Oslo.