pumpehuset presents
Vinterbyhaven 2024
Aperly High + Matongo + Dahlin + Snuggle + Bukhar (DJ) + Late Night Karaoke

Byhaven will return for one exclusive indoor version in January

On 19 January 2024, we will awaken Byhaven for one night and bring all things Byhaven into Pumpehuset. We're talking colored lamps, tables and benches, lots of Brooklyn beer, concerts, natural wine, bingo and of course the now legendary late night karaoke.

Kl. 18.30 - Doors
Kl. 19.00 - Bingo
Kl. 20.00 - Dahlin
Kl. 21.00 - Snuggle
Kl. 22.00 - Matongo
Kl. 23.00 - Aperly High
Kl. 00.00 - Karaoke madness

See you at Vinterbyhaven, friends

19 Jan 2024
Doors open
Show start
Price incl. fee
225 Kr.
Aperly High
Aperly High delivers intense, expressive, and utterly catchy songs that, with a foundation in cutting-edge pop, venture into 00s college rock and indie sleaze, along with a myriad of other musical directions. The common denominator is pop songs that crawl right under the skin and stay there.
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We fell head over heels for Matongo when he performed at Byhaven in the summer of 2023. Therefore, we look forward to once again experiencing the former Føl Som frontman's soulful, modern, and absolutely sublime Danish-language hip-hop
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22-year-old Dahlin is the winner of KarriereKanonen 2023, where she was referred to as an advocate for the 'club of desperate and confused hearts.' Dahlin's sound is pure pop, allowing you to wrap your little broken heart in it, with an expression that draws on R&B inspirations and is always piercingly honest. She has broken through with the Danish-language P3's Uundgåelige hit 'Boycut,' and since then, she has solidified herself as one of the voices to keep an ear out for in the Danish music scene.
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Snuggle is created by forces from Baby in Vain and Liss, offering a symbiotic sonic tapestry woven from different musical eras. Catchy melodies, grungy guitar riffs, and dreamy vocals form the core of Snuggle's expansive sound, encompassing the wall-of-sound from 90s grunge, shoegaze, and charmingly eclectic pop productions reminiscent of the 00s
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Bukhar (DJ)
After the concerts, the Copenhagen-based event platform and DJ collective keep the dance floor scorching with sweaty DJ sets from Muskila and KUCHULU.
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Late Night Karaoke
When the concerts are finished, Vinterbyhaven's new classic begins – late-night karaoke on the smoking terrace. The karaoke is hosted by Alma and Oliver, who warmly welcome you and yours to sing your favorite karaoke songs
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