Provocateurs and system critics: The cult band Laibach comes to Denmark
The Slovenian avant-garde artists, who among other things have inspired world names such as Rammstein, hit the Pump House in Copenhagen on Friday 17 May on their upcoming Opus Dei tour.
Slovenian Laibach can only be described as genuine industrial pioneers. Through an impressive string of albums, Laibach have largely resisted any attempt to pigeonhole their music within a common genre definition. Instead, they have constantly developed their musical expression, and moved between genres such as industrial, avant-garde and synth - which has provided inspiration for bands such as Rammstein.
Laibach's ground-breaking experimental album 'Opus Dei' from 1987, which contains iconic songs such as 'Life is Life', 'Leben heißt Leben' and 'Geburt einer Nation', is now finally being remastered and reissued on both vinyl and CD for May 2024. In addition Opus Dei material, the band will perform well-known songs from their catalog dating back to the time before Opus Dei - and there will also be some new surprises on the program.
Right from the beginning, Laibach established themselves as system critics and provocateurs, which has drawn the band into countless controversies. This even culminated in a ban in the then Yugoslavia after a landmark interview in the TV program Tednik. However, that has not prevented the band from heading out to Europe on their Opus Dei tour next year, which will also pass through Denmark.
The last time Laibach visited Denmark, it was praised by GFR, among others, who noted: "I got to see the giraffe, I got an exciting artistic and musical experience. And I was provoked and challenged.” The upcoming tour will be no exception, where the audience can expect the unexpected when Laibach takes over Pumpehuset in May.