pumpehuset presents
Byhaven: Skyggesiden + sbest

Skyggesiden & sbest play concerts in Byhaven on May 4. As always, admission is free, and Byhaven opens at 15.00 - the concerts start at 19.00. The Nørrebro masters of fried chicken, Poulette, serve food from 17.00 and the bar is naturally full of delicious Brooklyn beer, natural wine and cocktails.

4 May 2024
Doors open
Show start
Free entrance
SkyggeSiden is an up-and-coming rapper and singer who in 2021 debuted as a producer on the critically acclaimed album, Skygge Siden 84. Her rap style is both hard and gentle as she switches between contemporary trap and 90s hip hop while at the same time mixes in choruses that ring with a soulful sound. SkyggeSiden is an artist with a great attitude and relevant lyrics, and she is razor sharp live. SkyggeSiden always performs with the talented DMC winner DJ KCL and together they take the interaction between DJ and rapper to new heights. Although SkyggeSiden has excited an ever-growing following for several years, the last few seasons have truly marked her as an inevitable corner flag in the genre. The Shadow Side doesn't wait for anyone and paves its own way forward.
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SBEST consists of the two brothers Jens & Lars and they are far from a new partner on the Danish music scene. For over 10 years, under the name Asbestose, they have released albums, played the country thinly and collaborated with some of the most recognized musicians in Danish rap. They are now back under a new name and with a renewed energy, sound and approach to music. There is still a lot of love for hip-hop and a focus on collaborating with more and new artists in an attempt to bring together the Danish rap scene.
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