pumpehuset presents
Byhaven: P.t. + Løsgænger + Holly Horsepower

P.t., Løsgænger and Holly Horsepower play concerts in Byhaven on 8 May. As always, admission is free, and Byhaven opens at 15.00 - the concerts start at 19.00. The Nørrebro masters of fried chicken, Poulette, serve food from 17.00 and the bar is naturally full of delicious Brooklyn beer, natural wine and cocktails.

8 May 2024
Doors open
Show start
Free entrance
Behind the name stand two prominent figures: lead singer and songwriter Erik Apollo with a background in TÅRN, and bassist, studio musician and producer Larle Damsgård. Their musical paths have run parallel, where in 2022 they crossed paths in their hometown of Odense. Here they create uplifting indie pop that invites the listener into a charming sing-along universe, where there is both room for big emotions and easy danceable pop songs.
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Løsgänger is a brand new Danish artist who writes songs about everyday dramas, such as the petty bitterness of jealousy, the disappointment of a parent and the fragility of falling in love and love. Behind Løsgänger is singer and songwriter Nicolai Noa, who with his debut single 'Can you see me?' invites you in with music that both ignites the festival fever, as well as explores deeper taboos in its unique textual universe. Musically, Løsgänger stands on the shoulders of giants such as Kliché and TV2, while the sound is trembling and the direction forward-looking.
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Holly Horsepower
Holly writes songs about short skirts and drinks with ulterior motives in the nightlife. Noisy guitar, stripped vocals and a life of dissonance and fast rhythms draw the listener into a unique punk rock universe. Anger is wrapped up in alter egos, and through stories problematizations include body ideals and imbalance in power relations between the sexes. Holly and her horsepower allow themselves, among other things, inspired by rock pioneers such as PJ Harvey, Courtney Love and Patti Smith.
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