PUMPEHUSET og Cherry booking Præsenterer
Byhaven: One Nice Boi + Eros For You

Cherry booking presents One Nice Boi and Eros For You, who play concerts in Byhaven on 7 May. As always, admission is free, and Byhaven opens at 15.00 - the concerts start at 19.00. The Nørrebro masters of fried chicken, Poulette, serve food from 17.00 and the bar is naturally full of delicious Brooklyn beer, natural wine and cocktails.

7 May 2024
Doors open
Show start
Free entrance
One Nice Boi
One Nice Boi is a solo artist who will give people the courage to be in their passions, desires and taboos - despite what others think. Through honesty, he puts himself on the line and casts shadows, the audience can hide their shame in. He combines the vulnerability of the pop falsetto with the courage and temperament of hip-hop, and he sings in English, as his message is relevant far beyond Denmark's borders.

Live, the audience can expect an energetic, dystopian and precise performance with a passionate twinkle in the eye, where One Nice Boi opens up about his heart, his sexuality and his self-esteem.
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Eros for you
The Copenhagen duo Eros for you, consisting of Tobias Westerdahl Ipsen and Jacob Skyggebjerg, produces eurphoric electronic dance that delves into the contrast between melancholy and euphoria. With energetic and uplifting productions, they strive to create a vulnerable sound space where the audience longs for the dance floor and community.

A live experience with Eros for you promises a kind of healing trance, where you forget time and place, surrounded by LED lights and visual elements that unite the sonic and visual in a unique whole.
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