Kom med til FRAADS' afskedskoncert
Danske FRAADS stopper og holder afskedskoncert i Pumpehuset til deres egen festival "Portal 2 Final Party". FRAADS spiller både fredag og lørdag.
15.00 - Byhaven åbner
16.00 - Semlali (DJ - Byhaven)
16.30 - Fraads farewell & signings
17.30 - J. Ludvig III (Live - Byhaven)
18.30 - Baby in Vain (Live - Byhaven)
19.30 - Pumpehuset åbner
20.00 - Jouska (Live - Pumpehuset)
21.00 - Fraads (Live - Pumpehuset)
23.00 - Debbie Sings/Zoumer (DJ-set - Pumpehuset)
00.00 - Debbie Sings/Zoumer (live - Pumpehuset)
00.30 - Sanjari (DJ - Pumpehuset)
01.30 - Emil F + Phoenix Down (DJ - Pumpehuset)
02.30 - Sara Sadiq Frost (DJ - Pumpehuset)
After several years on the country's festivals and concert stages, the iconic Danish duo Fraads now enters a new era with the announcement of their first own festival, Portal to Party. A festival that celebrates music in the middle of Copenhagen at Pumpehuset. The festival will use Byhaven, Sort Sal and Kran Sal to present live music. Known for their genre-breaking musical approach and critically acclaimed live concerts, Fraads will perform both nights before opening the doors to their own nightclub. The festival aims to deliver a unique experience where artists who inspire Fraads come together to celebrate the music, the party and the community. "Lately, we haven't been able to get rid of the idea of creating our own festival, where artists we love play. We have selected music and artists that inspire us and that we feel related to in some way and that we want to present to our fans. It's a dream come true!” says David from Fraadsselv. "We dream that our beloved fans will be surprised and discover new artists, even if it's on stage or for a small surprise show in the smoker in the middle of the night. We're going to use the whole Pump House and make things happen!" adds Papa E from Fraads.
Festivalen Portal to Party præsenteres i samarbejde med Pumpehuset, Byhaven og Maté Maté.