PUMPEHUSET og Luger Præsenterer
John Maus
Alto Aria

The ultra-eccentric synth genius John Maus is back in Copenhagen

Pioneering musician John Maus is known for his enigmatic approach to synthpop and experimental music. With a career spanning several decades, John Maus has created a unique sound that combines retro-futuristic elements with heartfelt lyrics and a cinematic atmosphere - while his live performances are eccentric to say the least. His early releases like "Songs" and "Love Is Real" established him as a prominent figure in the alternative music scene, while later works like "We Must Become The Pitiless Censors Of Ourselves" and "Screen Memories" cemented that status.

In 2018, John Maus played at Roskilde Festival and at the time garnered a six-star review in Soundvenue followed by the words: "Uncompromising John Maus turned Roskilde Festival into a madman's disco". It was also John Maus who played the very last concert at the defunct venue Jazzhouse.

Now you once again have the opportunity to experience Maus' wildness on Danish soil when he visits the Pumpehuset on 2 October 2024.

2 Oct 2024
Doors open
Show start
Price incl. fee
300 Kr.
Alto Aria
Alto Aria er navnet på Berlin/København-baseret komponist og producer Aria Leth Schützes soloprojekt. Med projektet undersøger de relationer mellem akustisk og elektronisk lyd med udgangspunkt i transformation og transition. Her væves klassiske elementer med moderne elektroniske beats bundet sammen af en luftig vokal. Til koncerten medbringer Aria kontrabassist Mark Ibsgaard Gregersen.
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