PUMPEHUSET og Native Of The North Præsenterer
First Hate
Pardans + Christoffer Jørgensen

Det er gået hurtigt for First Hate, siden de sidste år spillede en proppet Pumpehusets Byhave! Tourbussen har kørt stærkt for duoen, der i foråret var på tour i Kina inden udgivelsen af deres nye, roste EP 'The Mind Of A Gemini’. First Hate er lige nu på landevejen i England og USA, og hele koncertrækken afsluttes med et brag i vores mørke kransal d. 30. september, hvor du stensikkert kan høre snippets fra deres kommende debutalbum, der rammer gaden til foråret. Bandet har desuden selv sammensat denne fredagsfest, der udover deres eget show, byder på support fra Pardans og Christoffer Jørgensen samt en stor efterfest med Soho Rezanejad, Lust For Youth, BREXIT og Lasse Dearman bag dj-pulten.

First Hate bio
Rising from the snake pit into the international spotlight, it’s been a short steady climb for Copenhagen duo First Hate since the release of their self-titled debut EP in September 2014 which featured hit singles “Girls In The Club” and “In My Dreams”, showcasing early on music that transcends genres making the underground more accessible through piercing beats. In support of that record they toured with both Trentemøller (October 2014) and Iceage (April 2015). Summer 2015 was spent in the studio which resulted in follow-up EP ‘The Mind Of A Gemini’ (released on Escho, March 2016). Headline shows at Lille Vega, Copenhagen and Tape, Aarhus proved the band's steady rise was now hitting a bigger audience with singles “White Heron” and “Trojan Horse” getting heavy rotation on national radio. 2016 has mostly been spent on the road with fellow Copenhageners Lust For Youth around Europe along with tours across Asia and North America, festival dates have taken place across the world with a notable triumphant set headlining the Countdown Stage at Roskilde Festival. Spring 2017 will see the release of their highly anticipated debut album, catch them at Pumpehuset to get a taste of what's to come as the boys continue their rise to stardom.
30 Sep 2016
Doors open
Show start
140 Kr. + gebyr
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Christoffer Jørgensen
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