PUMPEHUSET and Bullet Booking presents

The Balkan, dub and jazz masters Fastpoholmen parties in Pumpehuset this September

Fastpoholmen is a musical cocktail on a base of reggae and folk with notes of indie, Balkan, dub and jazz. It sounds completely crazy, and it kind of is, but it just works really, really well! All Fastpoholmen music originates from singer and songwriter Adam Fastholm's ideas and powerful compositions. Adam writes, samples, arranges and records the majority of each track before presenting it to his cousin, co-vocalist Dawn Fastholm, and the rest of the band, who then contribute to finalize and release the music.

Live, Adam and Dawn together with the six other musicians, Thomas Fløe Nielsen, Kristoffer Sidenius, Jay Habib, Trine Trash, Kristian Rinck-Henriksen and Anders Juhl Nielsen become a terrific, virile and innovative eight-person band that always gives the music and the audience one hundred percent presence and presence. It is also an extremely playful and unpretentious band that offers everything from dancing to tearjerkers.

30 Sep 2023
Doors open
Show start
Price incl. fee
220 DKK