pumpehuset presents
Byhaven: Pustulant Flesh + Carbon Tomb

Pustulant Flesh og Carbon Tomb play concerts in Byhaven on 21 August. As always, admission is free, and Byhaven opens at 15.00 - the concerts start at 18.00. The Nørrebro masters of fried chicken, Poulette, serve food from 17.00 and the bar is naturally full of delicious Brooklyn beer, natural wine and cocktails.

21 Aug 2024
Doors open
Show start
Free entrance
Pustulant Flesh
Flesh and depravity! This characterizes the young Copenhagen band with blood on their teeth. Raised from the dead by three young men in the spring of 2022. They're eager, hungry, and ready to show the world the monstrous notes they've pulled from the grave

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Carbon Tomb
Carbon Tomb spiller dødsmetal bygget på københavnsk sumpgrund. Dissonans og melodiøsitet flyder sammen i grænsetilstanden mellem urbanisme og slimet nedstigning. De enkelte lemmer har fortider i en længere række navngivne danske bands. Sammen udgør de en ny nekromorf. Det døde lever.
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