PUMPEHUSET Præsenterer
Byhaven: Daylight Delight

Efter en skøn og velbesøgt dag i starten af juli, er Daylight Delight tilbage i Byhaven d. 7. august.
"Daylight Delight" er en inkluderende fest for alle, inspireret af All-Dayer Copenhagen. Bag DJ-pulten vil Fergus Murphy og Sound and Fury bringe en fusion af genrer og kulturer til live med alt fra afro til jazz, latin, disco og soul. Denne gang vil der, udover at være et tøj-, vinyl- og designmarked, også være håndlavede smykker, neglekunst, tarotlæsning og andre sjove oplevelser.

Som altid er der fri entré, og Byhaven åbner kl. 15.00 og musikken starter også kl. 15.00. Nørrebro-mestrene i fried chicken, Poulette, serverer mad fra kl. 17.00 og baren bugner naturligvis af lækre Brooklyn-øl, naturvin og cocktails.

7. aug 2024
dørene åbner
Showet starter
Fri entré
Fergus Murphy
Fergus Murphy has been deeply involved in the local music & club scene in Denmark for over 20 years, Hailing from Dublin, Ireland he cut his teeth on the bubbling Dublin club scene of the 90’s before moving to Copenhagen were he hosts and plays the long running ‘lightsdownlow’ party as well as presenting the ‘All-Dayer’ on the first Sunday of every month. As a long time music lover, collector and DJ it’s all about the music and the moment when it comes to playing. Sets present a vibrant take on new and old music from all around the world blending the soul of the old with the new, crossing genres and styles and diving into musical wormholes. Whether playing for a packed dancefloor or a bar it’s about conjuring a spell with sound and sending it out.
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Sound and Fury
Sound and Fury is a shapeshifting presence in the Copenhagen music scene, blurring the lines between dancehall, jazz, dubstep, soul, reggaeton, and jungle. Firmly rooted in the rhythms of his Colombian heritage and the influences of his upbringing in the hard sonics of South London, his music intertwines Afro-Latin and UK bass music, embodying the vibrant fusion of cultures he represents.
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