pumpehuset presents
The Shaking Sensations + The Entrepreneurs - Byhaven

For andet år i træk åbner Pumpehuset op for husets egen dejlige, grønne og afskærmede Byhave. Det bliver endnu federe end sidst og i år går vi all in på endnu flere siddepladser, grønnere omgivelser og bedre afskærmning fra trafikken.

Byhaven har åben hele sommeren, hvor vi teamer op med vores bedste musikalske venner, for at bringe en masse koncerter under åben himmel. Haven har åbent fra onsdag til lørdag, hvor der også vil være masser af tid til hygge, eksamenslæsning, fussball, grill og picnic.

Her er siddepladser nok, god stemning, fri wi-fi og kaffe på kanden. Tag blot grill og madkurve med, og køb så drikkevarerne i baren undervejs – det er dét, vi betaler musikerne med

The Shaking Sensations:
Start Stop Worrying is the second full-length album by the Danish instrumental rock group The Shaking Sensa-tions. Three years ago the group released the EP This Is Your Hellfire Religion and their first album East of Youth followed in 2011, both highly praised by blogs and magazines. In the past two years four tours have brought them wide across the European continent and they’ve shared stage with several acclaimed acts, such as Caspian, Black Math Horseman, And So I Watched You From Afar, Gifts From Enola and Russian Circles.

The Shaking Sensations have expanded the classic rock constellation with a second drummer, allowing the band to develop a unique approach to the rhythmic section and an unconventional take on instrumental rock. Start Stop Worrying expresses a newfound maturity and courage to work in new directions, that may go against the typical principles and tendencies within the genre.

On Start Stop Worrying the band have experimented with a more forward approach in their sound as well in their compositions, allowing each track to stand strong. The record expresses a spectra of the individuals in the band and their artistic views on music. Start Stop Worrying is hiding a melancholic feel under a high pace, with prominent melodies and a more classic song structure. The tracks all have elements of frustration, aggression and fighting spirit. Long gone is the naive take on life, this record moves in a tension of explosion, depth and lightness, in the contrast ratio between the positive and hopelessness. Every track is dynamic with a positive momentum to the ever existing melancholy.

The seed of the band was sown almost 10 years ago in the windy outskirts of Denmark, and after different con-stellations, directions, years and coincidences, the current five piece line up, had suddenly located something special and relevant.
The band - brothers by heart, only two of them by blood - have a dedicated devotion for performing live, which has had a great influence on their musical compositions. After playing together for years and touring exten-sively in both Denmark and Europe, the bands transformation have influenced their music.

The Shaking Sensa-tions progress through massive touring have had a great impact on the process of Start Stop Worrying, which was composed shortly after their spring tour in 2012.

Start Stop Worrying was recorded live in Copenhagen Studios, downtown Copenhagen, in late September 2012, then mixed and produced by Matt Bayles (Mastodon, Russian Circles, Caspian) in Seattle. Matt has a unique ap-proach in mixing towards a massive soundscape and his involvement with the tracks led to him laying down additional synths and pianos on the compositions, providing new layers and depth to the album.

The record has been mastered by danish Emil Thomsen (Efterklang, Slaraffenland). Everything is visually bound together by hand crafted illustrations of the danish artist Dorthe Naomi.

Denmark has presented to you acclaimed acts such as Efterklang, Slaraffenland and Lis Er Stille, but listen care-fully - there’s a new thing growing in Denmark.

The Entrepreneurs:
The Entrepreneurs er en ung duo fra København, der spiller romantisk punk. Deres musik er en larmende, højtravende hyldest til kærlighedens komplicerede eksistens. De arbejder pt. på deres EP, som udkommer i løbet af foråret.

27 Aug 2014
Doors open
Show start
Free entrance