pumpehuset presents
Roben & Knud - ekstrakoncert
Efterfest: Hej Leif

Verdens farligste band vender tilbage igen igen til Pumpehuset. Og ikke nok med det, er de allerede klar med hele 3 koncerter i decemer 2025.

You may already know the songs 'Uranhjort', 'Tine Pingvin', 'Hello Little Tulip', 'The Most Dangerous Animal' and 'Hättemåge'. The songs - and Roben & Knud's enthusiastic stage show - have brought the band far and wide in Denmark. Audiences at both Roskilde Festival, Smukfest, Nibe Festival, Pumpehuset - and many, many other festivals and venues have experienced the unique band.

The band has always focused on catchy melodies and catchy lyrics, which has resulted in the audience being able to sing along to all the tracks - and what's really cooler than shouting along to songs about wandering sticks and cougars?

For the audience scrawl along to a concert with Roben & Knud, just as they have invented dance and movement for several songs, which they closely follow for these songs - truly worthy of a cult band. The band is thus fabulous at involving the audience and creating an enormous sense of cohesion between the band and the audience - there is truly a loving atmosphere at a concert with Roben & Knud.

When you consider that the band has existed for 25 years without rehearsing, almost exclusively sings songs about animals and plants, as well as opening the concerts with a song called Josef Stalin, then they can probably claim the title of Denmark's strangest band . Therefore: Come and experience Roben & Knud!

19 Dec 2024
Doors open
Show start
Price incl. fee
240 Kr.
Efterfest: Hej Leif
Aftenen er slet ikke ovre, når Roben & Knud træder ned fra scenen. DJ-duoen Hej Leif stiller sig bag pulten nedenunder i Sort Sal og sørger for det helt rigtige soundtrack til din torsdag og fortsat uslukkede fadølstørst.

Duoen består af Joachim Schiødt og Sebastian Dalmar, der måske bedst er kendt for deres banebrydende mixtape "Tag Denimvesten På!" fra 2020. De spiller udelukkende dansk musik, fra politisk 70'er rock over i pigtråd og punk - til obskur dansktop. De har mere end 100 DJ jobs bag sig, fra festivaler som Heartland, Distortion til fester som Pølsevognens 100års jubilæum og DM i tarteletter.

Der er fri entré til efterfesten, så invitér bare dine venner fobi, der ikke nåede at få fingrene i en billet.
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