PUMPEHUSET og Pumpehusets Byhave og Meeting Of Styles Præsenterer
Meeting Of Styles Copenhagen 2017

Oh yes! - Meeting Of Styles Copenhagen is back, rockin' Pumpehuset, in the heart of Copenhagen, 3rd year in a row with the most incredible line-up!

Once again we'll bring you artist from all over the world, ready to amaze you with their different styles, spanning wide from mind blowing 3d painters over the wondrous wildstyle artists and the photo realistic phenomena to the classic letter aficionados.

OKAY Recs Label Night: Ren Reflex + SkyggeSiden m. feats

Alexander Witting - Art & Illustration (Denmark), Appear37 (Sweden), Bane (Sweden), Art Of Brandon Lewis (US), Big M (Sweden), Caligr (France), Cheat (Sweden), Cokestd (Hungary), Coze (Italy), Core246 (Spain), Cream (Sweden), Crem (Denmark), Dake (Chile), DEFX (Denmark), djalouz (France), Doits 34 (Czech Republic), Eklor (France), Enias (Denmark), GAMS (France), Gorestyles (Sweden), Gouge Art (Sweden), Hetus (Sweden), Himed&Reyben (Mexico), Holem (France), iamsuzie (Hungary), Irene (Argentina), Jeks (Sweden), Joshila Dhaby Artist (Mauritius), KARS (Peru), Kiss (Sweden), Mech (Sweden), Name (Denmark), Nasca 1 (Germany), Pesca (France), Porno (Australia), Rasmus Balstrøm art (Denmark), Real143 (Czech Republic), S.Kape289 (Germany), Sabeth (Australia), SeaPuppy (Denmark), Sens (Mexico), Seone (Switzerland), Skize (Sweden), Sock (France), Tonek (Denmark), Victoriano Art (Spain), WEB3 (Italy), Welin (Denmark), Zyes (Czech Republic)
23. jul 2017
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